Our schools are a reflection
of the society in which we live. When society
experiences great strides forward, our public schools reflect these
advancements. Unfortunately, the reverse
is true as well; when society struggles, the challenges will be found in our
schools. Our local community, state, and
nation are continually searching for ways to battle bullying behaviors that
seem to permeate too many facets of our lives.
The Beaver Dam Unified School District (BDUSD) is not immune to these
problems and they can be serious obstacles to learning that we deal with on a
continual basis. Our staff has never
been more committed to preventing and combatting bullying in our schools. We partner with local law enforcement, county
agencies, and private entities to stamp out these behaviors, including the implementation
of more than 25 proactive programs. A small sampling of our efforts is bulleted
Ongoing training
for all staff in non-violent crisis intervention strategies
Middle School
Safe School Ambassador program
High School Link
Crew mentor program
Character Counts
Restorative Justice
Annual climate,
safety, and security surveys
High profile
guest speakers focused on mistreatment and bullying
playground initiative at Jefferson School
parent and student presentations
Love and Logic
parenting seminars open to all families
comprehensive district bullying policies
Elementary level
conflict resolution classroom lessons
Multiple student-led
drama presentations focused on anti-bullying
middle, and high school peer relationship mediation initiatives
Student created
anti-bullying public service announcements aired on the Charter cable network
Implementation of
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) programming (district wide,