I was sitting at my desk
writing the traditional teacher appreciation week thank you letter to staff
when one of our teachers stopped in to share an uplifting note from a student
he taught twenty years ago. The former
student explained the impact this teacher had on turning her life around by
making a personal phone call to her home instructing her to get to school to
complete a final exam. When she got to
school, he sat with her until she completed the task. She explained how upset she was with him at
the time but now recognizes the importance of what he did. She explained how he helped to pull her out
of a self-absorbed world and become a better person. It is inspiring to consider the magnitude
teachers have on students every day.
This conversation led me to
reminisce about my time growing up in our public school system. I clearly
recall the images of those teachers who inspired me, urged me to be the best
version of myself, held me to high standards and at times asked more of me than
I thought possible. The ones who urged
me to explore new ideas, think about the world in different ways and helped me
conquer tasks I thought to be impossible are those who helped to shape my
life. Impactful teachers are the
foundation of our society and the bedrock on which tomorrow’s leaders are born. Only a parent is more influential in determining
the academic success of a student; in the absence of a parent, there are few
adults who will have more impact on a student’s academic career than a
Together we are building
tomorrow by guiding our students and empowering their futures.
Thank you!
Steve Vessey
Beaver Dam Unified School