The staff and students at Lincoln School display caring in many ways. In October, one of our crossing guards was injured while helping our students cross the street safely. Students and staff donated money toward a get-well gift to let her know we were thinking of her. Students made her cards and wrote letters to let her know that we cared about her. We also celebrated our grandparents in October by having them join their grandchild for lunch. The students loved eating with their grandparents and showed appreciation for them. In November, Lincoln School participated in the district-wide food drive, and the amount of food collected was nothing short of amazing. Prior to Christmas break, the staff at Lincoln School raised money to help a family in need. Our gift was in knowing we helped make someone’s Christmas special. In January, we showed our crossing guards that we care about them by having students deliver special treats everyday, and we also invited them to have lunch at school on a day of their choice. We value the special people who are a part of our students’ lives.
Now we are joining efforts with our PTO to make caring a priority in the month of February. Spearheaded by Jessica Michael of the PTO, the staff and students at Lincoln School are going to focus on how we can care for one another. At the beginning of the month, we will provide the students with a calendar that provides many different ways students can exemplify caring in their school, at home, and in their community. The ideas presented do not need to happen in any particular order, nor are they required. The hope is that students will realize their acts of kindness positively affects the receivers of their goodwill and will then entice the students to continue their caring behaviors. The students will have the opportunity to share their good deeds with their classmates and teacher throughout the days and month. The teachers will provide opportunities for students to share how it made them feel when they showed someone else that they cared for them.
Lincoln School will also celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 16-19. Throughout that week, there are special activities for students in which to participate. The week is another opportunity for students to show people they care by participating in the following opportunities: collecting canned goods, having a special dress-up day, and participating in a dollar-hat day with donations going to the American Family Children’s Hospital Cancer Fund. As parents and teachers, we hope that students will remember how it feels to treat others with kindness and caring.
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